And this is his version of my business trip, Business Travel and the Working Mom, Part 2 (click here for Part 1). Enjoy... As my wife was planning her first trip away from our son, she began asking me if I wanted someone to ?help? with Liam while she was gone. I, the ever capable father, scoffed at the idea I would need help taking care of my son for a few measly days. Besides, I was looking forward to Daddy-son bonding time. We?d hang out in our diapers and underwear while swapping our favorite Mommy moments of the past 18 months. Most notably, the time she tried to throw an apple core out of a closed sunroof and the time she called me hysterically crying because she took our dog in for grooming and came back to a completely shaved dog. Yes, I laughed each time. Realizing a grandmother?s dream situation, I asked my mom to come hang out with two of her favorite boys while Jes was away, selling the idea by telling her she?d have unfettered access to little man. Unfortunately, this dream trip devolved quickly. First, Lili contracted Hand Foot Mouth Disease. What is HFMD? According to PubMed, symptoms include fever, headache, loss of appetite, sore throat, rash with blisters and ulcers on the mouth, tongue, and throat. And wouldn't you know it, our guy had every symptom on the list. Daycare parents are usually familiar with HFMD because when one kid gets it, they all do. It's most contagious before you even know your child has it. Little did we know, my mother was next. So Lili was completely miserable. He cried to be picked up, but then withered and flailed to be put down. He cried for food, but then immediately catapulted whatever you gave him towards the windows, fans, carpets, clean clothing, and his unsuspecting grandmother. This lasted several days. Meanwhile his mother was in the windy city, eating at nice restaurants, and sipping back Mai-Tais. And, because she is still breastfeeding, our ?if all else fails? and ?get this kid to sleep now? crutch was not an option and of course was all the little guy wanted. Enter Derecho. As in a Derecho thunderstorm that struck quickly and late at night with winds that knocked out power throughout the mid-Atlantic region. The wind was so loud that my mother sat outside Lili?s room while he slept to protect him from the storm?s wrath and the giant trees that would surely come swooping down any second. Meanwhile, my wife was in the air somewhere, after shuffling through plane delays and a cancellation, just trying to get home. It was around 3am when I finally rolled in with her from the airport and I?m not sure who was more exhausted ? my wife after working long hours for her job, or me after dealing with home life and work for the duration of her trip. Ok, my Mom won, she was after all the one who got up with Lili every night to explain why his milk was not there, and the one who missed work to stay with him. The next morning, well 3 hours after we got home, we woke up to the news that the storm left more than a million people without power. Fatigued from the week?s events, we tried to develop a plan for the day that involved air conditioning and a place to sleep since power was projected to be out for several days. My mother decided to fly home three days ahead of schedule to escape the heat, whiny, blistered toddler, frustrated parents, and a cramped house (my sister-in-law's) with two dogs. It was a crappy ending to a terribly exhausting week. It turned out that my wife was right - I needed help. There, I said it. She was right. Take a picture or something. So, thank you wifey for recognizing a need and thank you Mommy for getting up in the middle of the night with Lili before I could even hear him. My life is made more incredible by both of you. Next time my wife goes out of town though, I?m hiring a nanny with a hardy immune system and sending my Mom a videocam.?
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